I help spiritual, intuitive, sensitive women transform from depressed, stressed, and feeling out of control to happy, healthy and whole so they can manifest the life they’re Divinely Destined to live.

For most of my life, I had one simple question ringing in the back of my mind:​

“Why am I so sick?”​

As a toddler, I suffered from intestinal parasites that damaged my gut lining for life.

In fourth grade, I'd stand at the sink pretending to wash my hands until my friends went back to class so I could gulp handfuls of Ibuprofen to cope with blinding headaches.

As a high school freshman, I sat in the back row of my 9am Civics class shifting in my seat, desperately trying not to poop my pants until I could sneak into the bathroom to have my daily dose of diarrhea. If you struggle with IBS, colitis, or Crohn's disease - you know exactly what I'm talking about.

In my young adulthood, I sat at my desk behind behind the couch silently scraping a pair of scissors across my arm, etching five bloody lines before finally confronting yet another alcoholic boyfriend with my anger.

Years later, I found myself single and sitting on the kitchen floor of my one-bedroom apartment, staring at my knife set seriously considering using them to take my own life.

Depression has been with me for most of my life.

On some level, I believe I never wanted to be born. In fact, I turned around during my birth - forcing doctors to perform an emergency c-section that nearly killed my mother and me.

Years later, at six years old, I wrote "I just want to die" in a journal I have to this day.

Being a highly ethereal being in an earthly body wasn't easy for me, and I desperately wanted to escape. 

But as a highly intelligent, high-achieving, spiritually wise woman...

Depression was my dirty little secret.

I didn't talk about how sick I was, how anxious I was, how depressed I was. Instead, I kept going to school as a kid, achieved every goal I set, earned a ton of advanced degrees, and kept the "Everything is fine" mask on well into my adulthood.

It all came to a head in my mid-twenties when I hit a major health crisis that forced me to find a better way to live - a lifestyle that honored my ethereal and earthly identities (story below).

And after a long, arduous journey of trial and error, I'm grateful to say I very much love my life, and am deeply grateful for the opportunity to express my ethereal purpose through this earthly body.

Today, I'm happier, healthier, and more whole than ever.

Without medication or medical intervention, I have transcended the many complex issues that come along with depression:

  • Digestive issues

  • Reproductive issues
  • Skin issues

  • Muscle tightness
  • Liver, kidney, and spleen issues
  • Excessive, daily exhaustion
  • Anxious stress
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Worry
  • Self-doubt
  • Self-criticism
  • Despair
  • Difficulties paying attention
  • Co-dependency
  • Neglect
  • Cycles of abuse
  • Toxic partnerships
  • Being enmeshed with others' emotions and energies
  • Educational indoctrination
  • Cycles of scarcity
  • Decades of debt
  • Emptiness and loss of purpose
  •  Past life patterns
  • Spiritual poverty
  • Overwhelm from not knowing how to operate our ethereal energies

I help my students do the same every single day.


Does this sound like you?

If your story is anything like mine, you are:

  • Tired almost every single day
  • Bloated and uncomfortable in your body
  • Crippled by reproductive pain
  • Experiencing irregularity with your bowel movements
  • Plagued with mystery skin issues
  • Struggling to fall or stay asleep
  • Anxious and worried for reasons you can't explained
  • Battling bouts of depressed stress or dread that prevent you from being who you know you're meant to be
  • Feeling lonely and disconnected with little energy to invest in your relationships
  • At the mercy of other people's feelings because you can't seem to separate from others' energy
  • Stuck in a cycle of scarcity, either struggling to make ends meet or feeling overworked to maintain your wealth
  • Disconnected from your soul and feeling unsupported by Higher Power

And also, if you're like me, this isn't for lack of trying. You might be:

  • Seeing medical specialists

  • Speaking with mental health therapists

  • Taking medication and/or supplements

  • Changing your diet
  • Practicing yoga 

  • Prioritizing yourself as much as you feel possible

  • Getting energy work

  • Meditating

  • Journaling

  • Practicing holistic health

  • Spending loads of money investing in new remedies all the time

But nothing is working.

The frustration of feeling under-served by humanity's current health care forced me - and many of the students who work with me - to mask their experiences because many of us... at least on the outside​... are living an otherwise pretty good life.

We're passionate about our work. We're mostly surrounded by wonderful people. And we have a lot of privilege.

Back when I was burdened by my own depression, I didn't have anyone to turn to because nothing I was doing seemed to help. I was forced to either give up and give in, or find a solution myself.


With No One To Save Me, I Had to Save Myself

Eventually, I got fed up with hearing nothing was wrong and no one can help, and began the very arduous journey of figuring it out for myself.

I used my experience as a qualitative researcher to find out why the medical, mental, and even the holistic health systems were failing me...​

Although I explored hundreds of perspectives, three main areas were particularly useful: Interpersonal Neurobiology, Yogic Philosophy, and Quantum Physics.​

I didn't find answers in any single perspective, but when I blended them all together, my problem became clear: I didn't know how being human actually worked.​

All my life, I'd been living under the assumption that my body and mind were the only aspects of myself I needed to nurture to be happy and healthy.

As it turns out, we humans are so much more.


When we work toward health and happiness, most of us try to take care of our bodies and minds. We exercise, eat right, go to a therapist, say a little prayer, and maybe even meditate.

The problem is that when we limit lifestyle practices to physical and mental interventions, we're missing the underlying mechanism that matters most: emotion.​

Emotion is energy in motion.

It's the thread that connects your body, mind, and relationships - if it's broken, your whole system suffers. That's what I taught in my TEDx Talk: How Emotion Will Change the World.

Emotion is literally "energy in motion." It's our system's response to the situations in our life, and it has everything to do with stress.

When a situation happens, you should be able to feel, think, and act in ways that resolve the stress caused by the situation.

However, most of us have early childhood experiences that overwhelm us, and those stuck patterns of emotions replay themselves over and over into adulthood causing all kinds of physical, mental, relational, spiritual, and financial problems that are tough to fix.

Depression happens when energy stops moving.
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Are you stuck?

If so, it's not your fault. We live in a modern day world that stresses us out in a million different ways that stop the flow of emotion.

Some of society's stressors are daily inconveniences, like the 24-hour news cycle that makes money off our stress or the constant barrage of ads that unconsciously make us feel as though we'll never be enough.​

But some of them are actually traumatic - like legislation that steals reproductive sovereignty, an economic structure that exploits and undermines, and institutionalized oppression that makes life harder for people who look, live, and love in certain ways.​

And if you're one of the millions of people who've experienced emotional neglect, domestic violence, natural disasters, sexual assault, sexism, racism, heterosexism, cisgenderism, hate speech, neuro-divergent oppression, ableism, agism, or any other kind of trauma, the ability to control your stress response was taken from you a long time ago.​

Trauma interrupts emotion by hijacking your brain, depresses the nervous system, and disconnects your body from your mind, making it impossible to connect meaningfully in relationships with other people.​

I was a licensed trauma therapist for over 10 years, and this is what I know for sure:

Unresolved trauma and blocked emotion are the ultimate roadblocks to attracting health, wealth, and wholeness.

Every time energy gets stuck in your mind, body, relationships, soul, or finances, there's a block that gets created. Quite literally, your system gets shut down and energy becomes depressed. That block aggravates the system, creates inflammation and causes all kinds of chaos.

Sometimes that chaos looks like pain and tension in the body. Other times, it shows up as hormonal imbalances. It definitely shows up as self-doubt, self-criticism, and self-sabotage, and often emerges as cycles of spiritual and financial poverty.

Stuck emotion is at the root of being sick, so a depressed nervous system is at the heart of all human problems.

Once I realized that the flow of energy was everything, I became determined to figure out a better way of living my life.

Unfortunately, the mental health research could only take me so far. To truly heal, I had to look outside the boundaries of conventional medicine and pull together my own model for how humans actually operated.

My sphere of research and training ended up spanning far beyond contemporary models of neuroscience, mental health, and medicine. I learned about yogic philosophy and the chakra system, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, nutrition, quantum physics, essential oils, the electrome, the microbiome, and more.

What emerged surprised me: most of these perspectives were all saying the same thing.

Humans are more than just body and mind.

​Different perspectives of research used different words, but essentially every body of wisdom that withstood the test of time held truths that were evident within them all. These are what I call the Four Fundamentals of being human: Immortality, Interdimensionality, Integration, and Interstellarity.


As I began to understand the enormity of the human experience, it became apparent that working in the way I was taught as a counselor simply wasn't going to cut it.

As a trauma therapist, I was trained to work with the body and mind, but intervening at those areas wasn't enough. I needed to map out a new anatomy - one that encompassed ten dimensions of the human experience. In expanding the definition of being human, I could better work with the parts of myself (and my clients) that were sick.

Click each dimension below to see how this new anatomy organizes the human experience and allows us to connect different approaches and practitioners to health and healing.



As my understanding of the truth of our anatomy grew, I adopted a ten-dimensional, holistic lifestyle practice that healed liberated energy in my body, mind, and relationships all at once. 

The depression lifted and I started to live more aligned with my Divine.

I also started to teach my clients the new anatomical model and empower them with more self-awareness and interdimensional lifestyle practices.

The results were astounding.

Clients were making insights and transforming their health in minutes instead of months, and my own life drastically began to evolve into the beautiful tapestry I knew it could be.

My clients and I healed - on every level.

My inflammation went down, my digestion regulated, my mind quieted, and I had more energy to do the things I loved. The more I optimized emotion, the quicker my health began to heal.

The best part was watching my clients do the same.

If you want to reclaim you will to live and actually enjoy being an embodied being, you need to learn to liberate depressed energy in all ten dimensions, all at once.

Learn How


Now is the time for humanity to step into the interdimensional truth of who we are and what we can do.

Those of us who are most spiritual and sensitive need to recognize that we can't live the conventional way and expect to feel happy, healthy, and whole.

We need an interdimensional lifestyle that honors both our metaphysical and physical selves so that emotion can flow freely and create a life marked by happy, healthy harmony.

You are not meant to struggle. You deserve to feel happy, healthy, and hopeful every single day.

Book a Free Strategy Call and we'll explore steps you can take right now to jump start your journey toward living the life you're Divinely Destined to live.